
Manuals and Guides

Under this heading, we have gathered instructions and information that allows you as a user to quickly and easily get started and use our services for external monitoring and press releases.

The idea is that you as a user should be able to handle the basic administration of NewsMachine’s services regarding external monitoring, press releases and press rooms with this information.

Also notice the small question mark in the upper right corner of the system views, below it hides a guide to the various functions the system provides.

If you need more tangible help or an introduction for a new employee, you are of course welcome to contact NewsMachines Support.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers – Surveillance

How do I add a new report recipient?

Go to Publish in the upper menu bar and then Recipients in the left menu and and click on Add recipient. Fill in the information and save. Then you go on Reports, selects the current report and connects the recipient to the agents to be covered by the report

Pause / end reports?

Go to Publish in the upper menu bar and then Receiver in the left-hand menu.
Locate the person to be removed from the mailing and click
Remove. If you want to temporarily delete a person, select Reports instead , still under Publish. Then go to the reports that the person receives and click on their name – then click on Save.

What do I do if I have forgotten my password or want to register a new one?

On the website go to Log in at the top right. Enter the email address that the account is registered to if it is not already there, then click on Forgot password.
You will receive an email with instructions on how to reset/get a new password.

We are only interested in watching Swedish media but we get irrelevant hits in English and other languages, how do we get rid of these?

The easiest way is to go to Agents and select edit for the current agent. In the edit menu, click Edit Media List. There you select Language and click Select all then click in the box for Swedish.
Gör sedan samma sak under
Countries. Do not forget to click Done at the top right of the menu bar and then Apply when the new settings are complete.

How do I get a quick overview of the publicity of our organization or a topic?

Under NewsMachine Analysis, you can quickly and easily produce an automatic analysis report. Select the agent / agents to be included in the report, set the date and then click Update and you will get an overview report of the publicity that the selected agents have generated.

How do I turn off a particular source?

Go to Agents and select edit for the current agent. In the edit menu, click Edit Media List. There you click on Source , search for the source you want to deselect and click out of it . Then click Done at the top right of the menu bar and then Apply when the new settings are complete.

How do I set up an SMS alert?

Go to the recipient and enter the mobile number according to the model, + 467… and save. Then go to Reports and Create report. Then upload a report with the agents to be covered, so you create a report specifically for the SMS alert. Go to Email format and select SMS and then select When it happens (SMS notification takes place as soon as something new is detected by the system). Then do not forget to save when all settings are made.

How do I get ad value and reach in the analytics tool?

Go below Analysis and under report template, select Standard with reach / ad value . Select one or more agents for the analysis, set the desired date and then click Update .

How do I get ad value and reach in Dashboard?

Create a new widget, select Chart and then select an agent (or several different ones for Share of Voice) that you want to analyze.
The default setting for all graphs is summation of hits over time . If you choose one of the following instead,
Reach / Advertising Value / Edition , the system will automatically display any of these parameters, which gives a good overview of how you have reached out with your message in the media.

Can you cut and paste search strings to Newsmachine's agents from other suppliers / competitors?

No, it is not possible to copy search strings directly – some modification is required.
A detailed description of how to convert a search string into the NewsMachine search tool can be found at
The manual.
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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers – Press Release

Topics, Places & Tags - what's the difference? And why fill in these?

Actually, there is no difference – everyone can be said to be a tagger. Regarding Topics and Places you select tags from a list, while Tags means that you can enter any term that should be searchable.

Is it possible to change the sender of the mailings in Pressmachine?

Yes, you do in the press release view. Scroll down to Sender and select Custom – then you can manually enter the sender.

Press release is not visible in the press room, how do I make them visible there?

Press releases and other material, pictures, documents, etc., are hidden by default – that is, they are not visible in the press room. In order for it to be visible there, you must actively choose Visible in the press room. This is done at the bottom of each view.
For example, in the case of images, you have to go under each image and select Visible for it to appear in the press room.